The Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park Garden Tour & Market is your ticket to peek behind the garden gate. Join us on Saturday, June 17 for a glimpse into some of the best gardens in the North end. This year's gardens are amazing! You'll have a chance to see how garden owners manage slopes, feature local artists in their gardens highlighting whimsey with function. And, local artists adn musicians will play and create in each garden. Purchase your ticket in advance for $15 or at the door for $20.
Visit Garden Tour table on the ground floor of LFP Town Center on June 17 to exchange your advance ticket for a garden map or to purchase a ticket "at the garden gate."
Time: 9 AM to 3 PM
Place: Check in at the lower level of the Lake Forest Park Town Center, 7171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park (at the intersection of Bothell Way NE/SR-522 and Ballinger Way NE/SR-104)
Price: $15 in advance or $20 at the door
ShoreLake Arts, Third Place Commons, the Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation, the Lake Forest Park Garden Club and terrific community volunteers produce this annual event.
A BIG thank you to the 2023 sponsors:
